If you’re not inraged…

Back in the day, my friend and I got high with two random dudes at her house.

You, know typical Tuesday.

Alone in her bedroom, I really, really wanted to kiss one them. But I didn’t.

I lied, said I had a boyfriend. But he replied the truth.

You don’t want to kiss me because you’re scared of black men.

Before I met my husband IRL, I stalked his Facebook page, pausing ever so slightly at his last name.

Will anyone in my family have a problem if I marry a Jewish man? 

I’ve been attacked – robbed, assaulted, raped, and beaten, several times in my life.

By white men. By white women. By mySelf.

But I’m most tense and alert when I drive through the Latino neighborhood in my city.

This is all mine. I mean, it’s ours, but it’s mine.

Fear. Judgement. Conditioning. Repression. Grief. Rage. Racism. All mine.

But not Me.

The good news is, I’ve got tools to work with what’s mine. I’ve got time, space, money, support, and faith to cope. And I’d better do more than cope, because I’m on the planet for big change. Just like you are.

And so…some unsolicited advice for my white friends. Because, ICYMI, this is our responsibility.

Take care of what’s yours (which takes courage…go watch Matt Kahn’s latest video), embody your Divinity, and then get the fuck out there and help as you continuously clean up your own shit, which we all have.

Use the gifts you have, even if, ESPECIALLY IF you’ve never seen them applied to activism, and politics, (and just because you’ve never seen it, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened). That’s the whole point. We’re making this up, we’re making this new, we’re making this beautifully, as we go along.

Use your surplus, skills, and experience to encourage those most heavy with hate to let the love in.

Reimagine the conversation, the action, the response, in ways that feel HOLY to you.

Also, try these…

Give money

Plan a training to dismantle racism in your neighborhood.

Read bell hooks.

Quit watching TV shows and movies about white people, by white, for white people.

(Watch THIS instead!)

Womancott the NFL until Colin Kaepernick gets a job.

Give your time to have open hearted, uncomfortable discussions about white supremacy, racism, and the nodules of hate within us all. Lovingly, clearly say something when you encounter racism.

Without blame, without rancor. Without judgement.

Yes, this is possible.

Keep looking within.

Give your time to breathe with YOUR OWN SHIT, which is helping, in part, to create the shit we’re all in.

Use BREATH ALCHEMY, the fastest way I know to unravel the fear and rage we all carry around, upgrade your frequency, allowing easeful embodiment of Unconditional Love.

Today, I am using my problematic (Google Virtuous Victimhood) white, cis-gendered body (east village self-portrait, circa 2008) to attract the attention of anyone who thinks this isn’t up to them or that they’re not up to this, to anyone who thinks that more outrage toward anyone is helpful, necessary, or inevitable, in order to say, this is why we’re here now, and, it’s never OUT there.

If you’re not INRAGED, you’re not paying attention.

If you’re not IN LOVE, try another way.

Street + Sky Walker

Mary Magdalene was never a prostitute. I was though. For a little while, way back in the day. (It wasn’t my jam.)

Still, Magdalene and I have a lot in common.

Of course, we both love Jesus.

We’re both Messengers.

We don’t need saving, healing, or absolution.

We don’t need to explain, earn, prove, or conform. We don’t need permission, approval, or forgiveness.

We both abide in the halls of our Hearts, devoted to Her compass and barometer. And therefore, real or rumored, we don’t need our reputations protected or salvaged to align with culture or custom in order to complete our mission.

We are Holy like You are Holy.

Because We Are.

In the summer of 2016, Pope Francis conceded to Mary Magdalene’s glory, naming her the Apostle of the Apostles and honoring her with a Feast Day.

This is a big, big deal.

After centuries of being mislabeled, misunderstood, and misogynized, Magdalene is recognized as the Messenger she is – the One who declared the resurrection miracle, anchoring Feminine Christ technology on Earth by the power of her word. (Miracles: if you see something, say something.)

The day the Pope made his announcement, Magdalene came to me like thunder:

DO NOT miss this point BeLoved. The point is NOT that we become mainstream, agreeable, acceptable, or appropriate. We do not need approval or permission. We do not need to convince or overthrow. There is no mediator to Creation. 

We simply Create.

We are all holy, no matter what anyone thinks, believes, or says about us.

 We are all holy, no matter what we do. We are all holy no matter what. We are all holy.

We are all Holy.

No, Magdalene wasn’t a prostitute, and yes, it’s groovy that the Pope got the download on the Divine Feminine technology currently uplifting humanity. He’s a messenger too, perhaps the only One some folks can hear right now.

Yes, celebrating Divine Femininity within the popular context of duality may seem like a pragmatic first step. But, who is the Who who decides sex work is right or wrong?

Actually, giving Magdalene a non-whore stamp of approval consecrates her life within oppressive structures of authority, undermining individual sovereignty and missing the power of Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness with its infinitely creative technology to birth NEW paradigms.

This is the technology of life seeded in every moment, every breath, every Being -creating anew from nothing, according to its sacred sovereign heart.

This is freestyle creation – no rules, no hierarchy, no authority, no right or wrong.

Yes, that may feel freaky and hard to imagine.

Yes, that is the gateway to unconditional love.

We are Holy because WE ARE.

Being a prostitute is not a roadblock to Holy.

So, not being a prostitute isn’t a redeeming factor.

Take it from me.

Before I ever channeled Magdalene, I related to her. Fact or fiction, her reputation was an opening for this Street + Sky Walker.  I needed to get in with Magdalene in order to get in with myself and find, for myself, that I am Holy. Always was. In all ways. Just like Magdalene. Just like you.

Today and all days I celebrate Magdalene as the Messenger, the Messiah, and the Master that she is. As my BeLoved Friend and reflection.

I celebrate her as channel of Holy Christ Light in a human body on Earth. A woman dedicated to Spiritual truth in service to humanity, a woman so powerful, her legacy resurrects 2,000 years after her death, despite any and all slandering of her name.

I celebrate us – humanity, this beautiful body of Messengers, billions of Light channels with beating hearts, breathing lungs, and infinite potential to create, to transform, to renew. I celebrate We, our boundless opportunities to love, collaborate, and rise, together, every day.

There are many parts of my story and my self I have felt ashamed of, including this one. Because, well, shouldn’t I? Isn’t shame some sort of first step? Won’t hiding keep me safe?


Programmed shame has kept pages from our history and sections of our soul in the dark too long.

The world I believe in regenerates with love, not shame. The world I create Be Comes by Lightcasting onto all of it. All of it. With more and more love.

So, today, protected by God, and the Angel of my Soul, I share more of my BeLoved self in case you or someone you love, needs an opening, a light into the doorway of the great halls of Unconditional Love at the center of your own Holy Heart.

There is Love. Love is there.

Fuck Spiritual Scaffolding. Let that shit BURN.

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Thank God for all the spiritual tools.

Prayer, meditation, mantras, affirmation, self-help, selfless, inner-child healing, Ascended Master helpers, drama therapy, laughing yoga, somatic recalibration, talk about it, let it go, put yourself first, get out of yourself, surrender, fight the good fight, fake it ‘til you make it, authentic living, everything is as it should be, no woman, no cry.

These rituals support us – give us peace and grace. They make life, in all its hell and glory, possible.

Thank you. Thank you.


The day comes for all of us seekers when the acts we rely on for expansion and serenity, threaten to become scaffolding on a quivering, crumbling sense of self, festering with the denial of unfelt emotion.

Previously unwilling, unaware, or unable, the day always comes when we wake up to the inevitable flames of pain licking at our heart.

Today might be the day- the day to burn it all down – to set the spiritual façade ablaze and get right the fuck to the heart of it – to embody the rage, the grief, the pain, the sadness, the hopelessness, the dejectedness, the sorrow, the fear, the uncertainty, the mother fuck what the fuck why on earth cauldron of hot, boiling flammable emotion that will no longer be denied by affirmations or another round of soothing breath, exhaling it all away.

The day comes when that next round of breath is best used to fan the fucking flames, to manifest enough kinetic power to collapse the structure, to scream and sob and wail, to sing and shake and finally explode into a million fragments of winged white hot light that shoot into the pink and golden sky.

Today’s the day to let the scaffold around your anger, sadness, grief, rage, hopelessness and fear, burn the fuck down.

Let it burn to experience all the facets of your divine nature.

Let it burn to purify, refresh, to make an offering.

Let it burn and know your Destroyer Power. Let it burn and know your Infinite Creative capacity.

Let it burn because you need the energy.

Let it burn because repressed rage and grief lead to weird shit and misery.

Let it burn because no one and no thing creates your emotions. Emotions just are…vibratory states, pinged by circumstance, calling out to you to give them room to dance.

Let it burn – not because you want to be done with emotion (there is always more where that came from) – but because you want your money’s worth from this human journey that you so courageously and eagerly jumped into.

Let it burn because the fire won’t hurt you – denial and constriction will.

Let it burn for your Sacred Heart.

Let it burn for the collective human consciousness so frightened by the denied internal landscape of rage and sorrow we’re still manifesting an external learning experience wrought with hate, injustice, blame, violence and fear.

Let it burn because the fire works quick.

Let it burn because you are that safe. Let it burn to know how fucking big the God Goddess Spirit Source Light within you is – that She is so fierce, friendly and patient that she will ride with you the entire way. So expansive, She is every wave on the ocean of your fire. She is the peaceful joy waiting for you when the flames die down. She is You.

There comes a day, (HERE IT IS!) when it is no longer acceptable or healing to bypass uncomfortable emotions deemed wrong, inappropriate or scary, for reasons of spiritual poster-child-ness, keeping the peace, or looking professional.

Let it burn.

And when the smoke is gone and Brother Wind clears out all the ash, and you create everything you want by the fire of your heart, we’ll be there to pray and chant with you, to giggle, to breathe to give thanks with you, to bow to you, bow to Creation and all our Guides, embodying the SPIRT of LOVE that WE ARE.

Everything else is welcome to burn.






Who is Wylder?

Wylder and Wylder, I walk the way Faith moves me, human undressing into Spirit.

Sometimes my heart sings songs I ache to hear. And sometimes, she sings songs calling me to stretch into the dark.

I give birth to my dreams before I understand what they are.

I follow the call of my name before I know where she’s headed, forging my Wylder way to the unspeakable sound of my heart, dropping veils of fear behind me like dandelion seeds.

I am Wylder.

It Really Works

Photo Jul 15, 2 53 21 PM


Today it really sank in.

When I do what I love, how I love to do it, it feels really good. It goes really good.

Last night we had a fabulous Tiny Sacred Circle…something I was called to put together and did, using my own imagination, desires, space and strengths. I arranged the evening with two guidelines: what was easy and what felt good. Cozy space, flowers from the neighborhood, a couple of candles, crystal friends all around, tea kettle on, baby sleeping, and a quick prayer that we all shine. And shine we did!Five of us women sang, breathed, shared, and expanded and… I felt right on for most of the evening (aside from the song I suggested we jam along to which had a complex beat none of us could follow…awkward! It made for a good laugh in the end).

As I facilitated, I could literally feel my cells vibrating, my whole being activated. I was lit up. I felt powerful, graceful and at ease. I was doing what I am meant to do.(What I do, by the way, doesn’t need a title – by my own decree. But, if you must, I’m a healer coach teacher writer artist working with women on the edge of knowing. Officially, I’m a Light Caster.)

In his F A B U L O U S book, The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks encourages working from what he calls our Zone of Genius. The word genius comes from the Latin for ‘attendant spirit present from one’s birth, innate ability or inclination.’ Our genius is who we are born to be, our unique core essence. And each of us has a unique genius that no one, not before, and not after will have. It is our gift – the gift that goes both ways, fulfilling our deepest desires AND serving the world in the special way only we can. This is the Queen’s gift.

If you feel like you’ve heard this message, but don’t really believe living from your heart, your genius is practical, but really want to believe that your genius is really the way to go, join the club. It’s a rare bird who doesn’t, at some point, wait to make their big move before seeing how it’s done first, politely requesting permission from the powers that be, forgetting that the Power is inside of them, apologizing for their incredible brightness along the way, settling for close enough at every turn. I’ve certainly sported those feathers. And so I know, ignoring instincts, shelving natural gifts, poo pooing dreams is Painful. And if we’re awake, it’s unsustainable.

Last night confirmed things I’ve known in my heart since I was a tiny girl. For whatever reason (Motherhood? Years of spiritual searching? Kundalini rising? A slew of incredible women teachers in my life this year? Tired of for permission? Lack of sleep?) I’m ready to share my Genius with the world. I’m doing what I do best, sharing my heart with you.

I’m working on a very special online offering, set to launch this fall, for all the Queens, ready to be Lit Up, ready to feel Golden and Guided in all parts of their life, ready to embody sovereignty.

We’ll dance with themes of divinity, femininity, alchemy, affluence, emotion, desire and joy, and practice practice practice transmuting shadow to light. I’m cooking up videos and tools (pragmatic, creative, Super Woo) that will transform. We’ll enjoy a private forum where members can freely share as much or as little of their journey as they want, discuss, ask, give and receive and I’ll host Q+A sessions throughout.

This course will activate the Queen essence that is every woman’s birthright.

And as you can see from the picture of today’s office, I’m committed to creating this course the same way I hosted last night…with ease and from my heart. When traditional drafting formats left me hitting walls, I asked, ‘What feels good? What’s easy?’ and my brainstorming took flight with word art (something I’ve loved my whole life and always naturally done) and coloring. When I heard Mother Nature’s call during office hours, I listened and we jammed. Needless to say, the content is flowing and I promise, it is going to be amazing.

See the Golden Glimmer on my computer (whose name happens to be Goldie!)?

We’re coming at you, all Lit up, carrying messages of Joy and Love. 

Registration for the course will open in September. We’ll be entirely virtual so women all over the world can participate. Members can move with the group or at their own pace and will have access to the queenly content forever. You’ll be the first to hear about it here.

If you know any Queens who are ready to cast their Light and need a safe, open ladyship to evolve and practice with, please share this with them. If you’re not already on the list, head over to fayegaulthirsch.com and sign up to hear details as they roll out. 

To all the beautiful men, while this course will be women only, I’m so grateful for your support. The rolling, wild feminine river needs the sturdy river banks to guide her.

Meanwhile, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

I send blessings for all that your heart desires.