Believing, weaving and being our Ancient Future
Welcome to The Wylder Talks, a podcast broadcasting on the multidimensional experiences of life. She’ll show us what she’s about as she unfolds, but she’ll most certainly touch on Christ Consciousness, mothering, plant medicine and global healing through active reconnection to the Earth.
- Episode 8 Jane + Faye: A Grand Conjunction
Jane Mayer was the first published guest on Episode 2 of The Wylder Talks and she’s back!
Hear Jane’s first episode here:
Faye and Jane share about their shared communion in this lifetime, Grand Conjunctions, the Great British Baking Show, and other magic.
Find Jane at https://janeislistening.com/ and especially look into her upcoming course The Holy Voice, beginning 1/30
A special note: it feels clear to me that this coming week will present challenges for us individually and collectively. Stay close with your Heart, tune into the Love within and check on your beloveds. If they come to mind, they need your love. We are not alone as we breathe the ancient future.
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
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Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Intro and outro music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
Thanks and love to the producer Elliott.
- Episode 7: Jayden Grahlman
Jayden Grahlman relaying grail codes through his ministry and music!Sacred geometry, the music of life, all about that hair, and more.Find him @jayden-grahlmanWork with Jayden:
The 13 (enrollment closes around 1/13/21)
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
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Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Outro music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
Thanks and love to producer Elliott
- Episode 7: Mother Lover – In Devotion to Earth
Michelle Baumbier is a researcher, Earth-based educator and devotee of the Great Mother. Her greatest calling is two-fold: to tend to the Earth as a form of devotion and to guide others to remember their innate connection to their natural surroundings.
I met Michi on the interwebs, and as so many of my friendships, ours blossomed through a shared curiosity and devotion to Magdalene. Michi gives me hope, levity, and courage in dark times and I wish camaraderie like ours for all beings on the planet.
She makes me laugh and listening to her teach and share and reading her writings brings back all faith in humanity. I invite you to tune in and receive her brilliant light.
My biggest take away from today’s show was the power of offering my awareness to life. As a gift and a practice of devotion. Simple medicine for the bitter and sweet moments.
Forest Meditation with Michi! Join us at www.patreon.com/fayewylder
Links, References & Quotes:
Find Michi and all of her offerings at The Earth Student
Follow her @magdalene.rising and @the.earth.student
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
- Give us a five star review *****
- Share a comment of how this work is supporting your life
Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Intro and outro music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
Thanks and love to my producer Elliott.
Check out this episode! - Episode 6: We’re All Part of the Same Motherf*cker
Sanyu Estelle is a Sarcastic Social Justice Warrior and Writer who is WINNING. Tune into her Instagram @sayuestelle and her Patreon and you’ll be winning too. A claircognizant Word Witch, Sanyu weaves new worlds in ‘real’ time with the silks of language and presence. She’s a brilliant teacher preacher and a word nerd after my own heart. I highly recommend her for your next tarot / oracle reading (patrons check out the coupon code she’s offered). Sanyu recently offered an ancestral investigation workbook especially for folks with European ancestors which I’ve just begun working with. Sanyu’s patreon supporters receive a monthly card reading at the $5/month In the Thick of It level and her June reading was lit. Check it out! Enjoy the show! - Episode 5: The Medicine of Being Human with Sena Maria
Sending you all love in this time.
Most days, I’ve been feeling really well thanks to daily breath alchemy (I offer pay as you can community virtual sessions most Fridays- add your email at fayewylder.com to get notified) and continuing to explore motherhood as holy service. Some other days, I’m ready to head home if you catch my drift (more on that in this special episode!)
I’m also receiving a lot of benefit cold showers, lymphatic self-massage, oils, as much time in open space as possible, and daily cacao and mushroom helpers, a combination which I’m well versed in thanks to my beautiful friend and today’s guest, Sena Maria.
How are you tending yourself, yourcells, your community in these times? What songs does Earth sing you when you step outside? I’d love to know.
On today’s episode, Sena talks about The Medicine of Being Human, the transformative and unifying power of plants, micro dosing, leaving it all behind, creating a world of sovereignty through daily action and earth connection, wanting to leave the planet, sharing our deepest pain as service, and my experience moving through many many months of depression working with plant medicine.
BONUS: Sena and I are hosting a LIVE Webinar sharing the magic of micro dosing on May 1st. Register HERE
If you’ve been wanting to try Young Living essential oils, you can join our try before you buy class, Roll With Us for $10, which covers shipping and materials. I’ll mail you three mini rollers and we’ll learn about them and use them together in an online forum May 7-11.
Complete this form before April 30th to join us.
For our patreon sponsors, Sena is gifting a 20 minute guided meditation with the Earth Grandmothers – it is like returning home AND her incredibly thorough and practically detailed Ascension Guide to Coffee Enemas. Join us at www.patreon.com/fayewylder
Show notes
- Medicine of Being Human
- Joe Rogan and Paul Stamets
- Mirco dosing for Resilience with Sena + Faye
- Firefly Chocolate
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
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- Episode 04: Ascension for Modern Times with Lorie Ladd
Lorie is the first soul I interviewed for The Wylder Talks and I’m so grateful she shared her time with us. Releasing this episode during shelter in place Corona Virus times feels somehow decadent (who has time to ascend right now!?) and absolutely CRUCIAL (seems like we might need to ascend ASAP, am I right?).
Along with all of the immune boosting practices I encourage us all to focus on, leaning into the support of the multi-dimensional truth of life and all of the guides from all of the places is very necessary. This planet, and all of Her Life, is deeply loved and held. Along with all of the challenges of these past 14 days, I have felt the presence of multi-dimensional beings in a particularly strong way…look to the clouds is what I suggest.
Tuning into these truths is our birthright and the love from ‘beyond’ offers us a web of support for our Earthly walk needed today more than ever.
Tune in to hear about Lorie’s journey connecting with multi-dimensional sources and her path to sharing work that may seem a little out there to some but is of her highest service.
Lorie has shared a beautiful 47 minute guided meditation with the Sirian star family for our Patreon friends! I took it early this week and it was so soothing and healing. Please enjoy and thank you for being here and tuning in.
Lorie Ladd is an Ascension Guide and a Multi-Dimensional Channel. She re-connects you to your Guides and Family of Light, assists in the remembrance of who you are and why you are her and provides tools and guidance moving you into your multi-dimensionality.
Lorie takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and easy digestible concepts. She bridges the gap between you and your Family of Light, providing a deeper understanding of your path.
Today, Lorie dedicates her life assisting humanity in this planetary awakening, Her greatest prayer is that you remember who you are, why you are here and all the Beings of Light that are supporting you. Lorie is honored to be walking side by side with you during this miraculous shift in consciousness.
Lorie has gifted all of our patrons a beautiful 47 minute guided self-love meditation with the Sirian’s. Join us at www.patreon.com/fayewylder
Links, References & Quotes:
- The Sophia Code
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
- Give us a five star review *****
- Share a comment of how this work is supporting your life
Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Intro and outro music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
Thanks and love to producers Ash and Elliott.
Check out this episode! - The Sophia Code
- Episode 03: Cervical Remembrance for Global Healing with Denell Barbara Nawrocki
This episode is dedicated to Faye’s paternal grandmother, Margaret Evans Gault who passed on March 16th, 2020 at 10:44 am and Denell’s grandmother Barbara Rose Naumann Corbett. Dedicated to them and all of the grandmothers gone and yet to be and all the cervixes this life was born from.
Denell Barbara Nawrocki, MA is a guide, speaker, and teacher specializing in Women’s wellness and Earth-based health. She believes in the body’s ability to heal, and guides Women to connect to their body and find empowerment on self-healing path.
Since 2008, Denell has done extensive study in the fields of health, healing, personal transformation, indigenous wisdom, plant medicine and history. All of this culminates in her mission to lead people to be in loving relationship with their body and Earth’s body. She received her MA in Integrative Health Studies from California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and a BA in History from UC Davis
Utilizing all she studied, Denell self-healed 7 years of HPV and cervical dysplasia diagnoses and have retained a clear bill of health ever since. In 2016, Denell founded Cervical Wellness, an online-education platform guiding Women to self-heal their cervix, as well as reconnect to their female sacred-anatomy in new and empowering ways.
She offers online courses & events, in-person workshops & retreats, as well as sharing illuminating content in public talks, and on Instagram & Youtube.
Denell is offering a generous gift for our patrons at the $3.33 per month level, her incredible 52 page e-book, The Cervix – Deepen Your Relationship. As a bonus gift from me, I have included access to a huge Google Drive of Anti-Inflammatory Protocols. Join us at www.patreon.com/fayewylder
Links, References & Quotes:
From the Episode:
- Denell’s new book: Informed, Aware, Empowered
- Work with Denell: 1-1 Coaching Sessions & Cervical Wellness Master Class
- Black Birth Matters – Birth Mark Doulas
- To explore midwife care for any stage of wellness, including cervical screenings, Find Homebirth and Community Midwifery at mana.org, in the Bay Area- The Root Midwives and Bay Area Homebirth Collective
- The HPV Vaccine on Trial book
- #gardasilgirls
From the Outro:
- BruceLipton.com
- CDC Vaccine Schedule 1950-2018
- CDC Vaccine Schedule 2020 Birth – 18 years
- HIB Vaccine – Pub Med
- Medicine Stories Podcast Episode 60 Outro
- The Vaccine Conversation Podcast
- IG @echounafraid
- The Highwire with Dell Bigtree
- Robert Kennedy Jr Twitter
- Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe
- Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth
- CA SB 276
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
- Give us a five star review *****
- Share a comment of how this work is supporting your life
Find me at
Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
Thanks and love to producers Ash and Elliott.
Check out this episode! - Episode 02: The Art of Anchoring on Earth – Touching in with Jane Mayer
Jane Mayer is a healer and artist who has studied with indigenous healers in the mountains of Peru, the Amazon, and the forests of Ireland, alongside various lineages of devoted teachers in the Western world.
For many years, Spirit called to her from a well of deep emotional and physical pain that begged her to find a way to reconnect to her True Self. Her own pathway to healing informs all the work she offers. She works with sound, plant, energy medicine and body-consciousness expansion, alongside her own gifts of sight, sound, feeling and knowing to guide her. She serves clients across many backgrounds, helping them transmute pain and darkness into embodied soul, and to remember who they really are.
She offers healing sessions, ceremony, poetry and music in the States, as well as retreats here and abroad. To learn more visit www.janeislistening.com
In this episode we explore:
- Plant medicine + recovery
- The power of sound and Christ’s connection to speaking in tongues
- Following your path requires great risk
- Recalibrating the nervous system
- The stories we tell are the stories that are true
Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:
- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
- Give us a five star review *****
- Share a comment of how this work is supporting your life
Find me at:
www.fayewylder.com or on Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
If you’d like to learn more about the power of plants and especially the magic of CBD oil, visit me here and sign up for my email class on the plants.
Special offering for our THREE patrons ($3.33/month) from Jane – 50% discount on my bandcamp page for the LIGHT album and a complimentary healing session (60 minutes) for any patron who joins the upcoming Demystifying Healing, a LIVE 8-week online journey to the nexus of the spiritual + somatic, beginning March 9, 2020.
Links, References & Quotes
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” – Krishnamurti
“The life of a hedonist is the best preparation for becoming a mystic” – Hermann Hesse
Shipibo Words
- Warme (warmeh) – veil/membrane
- Oocha – inversion
- Icaro (song Jane sang at end) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icaro
Other Links
- Russell Brand Podcast with Gabor Mate
- Serpent of Light – we think this is the book that Jane references when she shares about the Ley Lines of the Earth
The Journey by Mary Oliver
One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice—
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
“Mend my life!”
each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do—
determined to save
the only life you could save.
Check out this episode! - Episode 01 – Be Wrong to Stay Young: the healing power of our fallibility
Hi Friends! Welcome to the first episode of The Wylder Talks. This episode is just me, birthing the podcast and sharing about fallibility as an asset.
Celebrating humanity’s innate divinity and fallible potential, The Wylder Talks offers conversation with artists, activists, healers, teachers, and plant people.
Tune in to share, explore, and synthesize our unique stories and universal wisdom into medicine for this moment.
In truth, courage, joy, and levity The Wylder Talks is our living prayer to believe, weave, and be our Ancient Future.
Enjoy!Thank you so much for listening and supporting us by:- Becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/fayewylder for as little as $3.33 per month. Patrons receive tons of wonderful, relevant, exclusive content.
- Subscribe at iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube
- Give us a five star review *****
- Share a comment of how this work is supporting your life
Find me on Instagram @fayewylder
Find the plants at oily.life/fayewylder/
Music by my brother, Travis Kirby, you can find him at www.traviskirby.xyz or find him on Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
Thanks and love to producers Ash and Elliott.
If you’d like to learn more about the power of plants and especially the magic of CBD oil, visit me here and sign up for my email class on the plants.